Angel Hernandez - Endertech Developer

Angel Hernandez
Joined Endertech
Primary Title
Secondary Title(s)
Full Stack Developer
About Me

I love sports, music, and good vibes


B.S. in Business Economics from the University of California at Irvine, 2019 & B.S. in Social Ecology from the University of California at Irvine, 2019


Developer since 2021


Design, JavaScript, GraphQL, PHP, Python, Photoshop, VSCode


Full Stack Development, Organization, Critical Thinking, Cooking in the kitchen and on the court

Articles by Angel Hernandez
From reCaptcha documentation
Web Development
Typically the need for reCaptcha occurs because a site may have a public facing form that anonymous users can submit and typically a site will want to avoid malicious attacks, spams, and overload of the system. The best way to combat this is using reCaptcha. ReCaptcha is used to verify that the user is in fact a human user attempting to submit only necessary requests to a site. There are options to add reCaptcha to a site but one of the most popular is Google reCaptcha.
Woman writes on white board.
Web Development
Web Design
Discover the power of design first approach with API's and configurations for API Platform Operations to customize and complete your HTTP requests.
Image showing a web developer looking at multiple computer screens doing cross browser testing.
Discover how cross browser testing and the hidden solutions it can help you find during software development and app development.
Image showing a laptop and mobile phone with web security and ecommerce icons hanging in the air.
Discover how OAuth2 implementation can enhance security & user experience for eCommerce your store. A simple guide on how to get there!