Shopify: Expert Platform Management
Endertech has 7+ years mastering the complexities of Shopify, let us share that expertise with you.
Build a new site
Enhance your ecosystem
Migrate an existing site
Perfect your store with us.
Planning & Design
Development & Testing
Launch & Support

Los Angeles Shopify Developers | Shopify Plus Partners | Shopify Experts

You can only go so far with a DIY Shopify solution.
We're here to help develop your site and answer the complex questions.
You deserve to unlock the full potential of Shopify.
How do I organize product data to make my catalog discoverable?
How do I implement complex business rules such as discounts, shipping, and pricing?
How do I set up my marketing procedures to drive conversion and sales?
We believe Shopify can do it all, at every business size.
We'll build a store and teach you how to maintain it.
Start-Ups, SMBs, or Enterprise
Easy Backend Administration
Huge Ecosystem of Apps + EZ Connectors
Build your best E-commerce store on Shopify and scale with ease as you grow.
We bring deep expertise, thorough planning & analysis, and bespoke project management to every engagement.
Every custom Shopify project includes:
Strategy & Planning
We help validate your choices and ideas. We help you visualize all details of your end product.We plan all technical details before a line of code is written.
Transparent Build Process
Using an Agile method, we show you progress every two weeks. High levels of communication keep the project moving swiftly on the straight and narrow.
Long Term Support
You can count on the fact that the solution we deliver will last you a long time. We choose only the best platforms, our code is solid, and we're here for the long haul.
Endertech has been trusted since 2000.
Whatever you want to create, we're here to help.
    • Consultation
    • Articulate Goals
    • Define Requirements
    • Research Solutions
    • Document Plans
    • User Experience
    • User Interface
    • Branding
    • Messaging
    • Web Design
    • Hosting
    • Security
    • Troubleshooting
    • Maintenance
    • Enhancements
Deliver digital solutions for your company that do exactly what you need them to do with our full-service team of tenured experts.
We are end-to-end Internet experts.
If you can imagine it, we can build it.
Brands That Trust Us
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Awards & Praise
Endertech Clutch 1000 Award
Endertech Clutch Top E-Commerce Developer Award
Endertech Clutch Top Software Developer Award
Endertech Clutch Top Web Developer Award
Endertech Top Magento Developer Award
Endertech Top Shopify Developer Award
Endertech Top PHP Developer Award
Endertech Top React Developer Award
Endertech Top User Experience Designer Award
Success Stories
Mattress Warehouse
Super Fast Headless Shopify Plus and Custom In-Store Tablets for Sales Reps Grow Online Revenue by 50%
A happy family sitting on a bed in a stylishly decorated bedroom.
+50% Ecommerce Revenue
Integrated Instore Experience
Endertech continues to help Mattress Warehouse develop their omnichannel strategy with innovative use of headless e-commerce technology on top of Shopify. Website & and in-store tablet app combine to capture customers and keep them coming back.
iS Clinical
International Ecommerce System Built on Magento / Adobe Commerce Manages Hundreds of Sites on One Platform
Image of woman putting on ISC sunscreen product under the sun with a smile.
B2C & B2B on One Platform
100+ Affiliate Stores
A case study describing how Endertech continues to develop and maintain a massive Magento website that serves domestic and international customers and distributors with diverse and complex e-commerce needs.
A Safe Refuge
Non-Profit: Huge Data Management Application to Support 15 Departments
Safe Refuge
Replaced & Improved Huge 20 Year Old Database
Streamlined Operations
A case study showing how Endertech helped Safe Refuge redesign and redevelop their 20 year old system into a modern web-based database application used daily by dozens of employees.
California State University, Northridge
Education: Content Management System for an Active College Career Center
Woman in blue denim jacket sitting on green grass field antique.
Sophisticated Content Management
Helping 1000's of Students
A case study showing how Endertech helped CSUN redesign and redevelop their CMS and website frontend to support a high volume of content and interactive features that is constantly evolving.
Dramatically Improved Speed and User Experience from Platform Upgrades Leads to Massive Revenue Gains
Picture of an outdoor flower garden of pink flowers.
Magento 2 Platform Upgrade
Massive Speed & Revenue Increases
Endertech helped this large nursery upgrade their aging Magento platform. In the process we modernized the frontend and numerous ERP integrations, eliminating poorly built legacy systems and dramatically improving the user experience.
Civil PE Surveying Review
Custom Tailored Learning Management System Helps this Small Business Thrive in a Competitive Niche
Image of eLearning screenshot showing a course test and answer reviews.
Custom Platform Development
Improved Customer Satisfaction
A case study showing how Endertech helped the Civil PE Surveying Review design and develop a custom learning management system, complete with backend management and custom billing system.

Shopify Project Types

Examples of Shopify projects that we commonly undertake.

A simple Shopify development project would be a project with a relatively small catalog, say, no more than a few hundred SKUs, with a single fulfillment location, standard shipping rules through common carriers, and design requirements that can be satisfied using Shopify's Liquid themes.

This project will take advantage of Shopify's built-in marketing tools and might have an integration or two that can be implemented using marketplace apps.

There will be room to grow, but we're looking to get this project designed, developed, and launched in 3 months or less. So let's get started!

A complex Shopify development project will have many thousands of SKUs that require a high degree of organization. Significant time will be spent planning how customers will conveniently navigate, and administrators will effectively manage such a vast catalog.

This project might also have multiple inventory locations... retail locations for pickup and warehouse locations for shipping. We will need to discuss and plan how inventory levels should affect shipping and pickup availability and lead times.

You might also need multiple integrations with 3rd party systems... for marketing, analytics, store locations, inventory, and order management.

This project's design requirements might be satisfied by classic Shopify Liquid theming, but perhaps a headless solution with Hydrogen is more appropriate.

Does this project type sound more like you? We know what you need, so contact us!

Perhaps you already have a site and you're looking to have developed a custom Shopify app to implement some functionality you can't find anywhere in the marketplace.

We've got you covered here too. Whether using Shopify Functions, Checkout UI Extensions, or any of Shopify's numerous available APIs, we can craft the app you need to achieve your functional goals.

Perhaps you have data systems that you need more tightly integrated with your existing Shopify site. That will be no problem for Endertech.

We have built and deployed numerous middleware systems that broker information to and from Shopify from various databases, software systems, and APIs.

We can craft unique solutions for any platform. Just point us to the data you have, and point us to where you want it to be... and let us do the plumbing.

If you're reading this bullet point, you may know that "headless" is the future of advanced e-commerce for growing enterprises.

"Headless" technology basically means full control over your site's frontend experience using foundational tools, like ReactJS, to integrate with e-commerce APIs such as those that Shopify provides.

Shopify treats headless like a first class citizen with the release of their own headless e-commerce framework, named "Hydrogen", which is built off the ReactJS general framework called Remix.

We have deep experience with Shopify Hydrogen having been early adopters. If you know you want your next site to be headless... or even if you're just headless curious... give us a call and learn the pros and cons.

And lastly... maybe you just need a savvy hand available to help support your existing site.

A theme adjustment here... a metafield there... some shipping rules... a marketing integration... and a bit of consultation.

We are here for you too, with different retainer plans that put experienced developers just an email away.

Your Advantage

A Complete Shopify Partner Agency

Shopify makes a lot of things easy, but when you want to go beyond the basics, you still need an experienced partner.

The fact that Shopify makes so many things easy lets a lot of organizations get started quickly and cheaply.

This is great to bootstrap a startup or test a business idea. However, if your business grows, you may soon find yourself outgrowing your setup.

It's not that Shopify can't handle your situation, it's that sometimes, less experienced developers don't properly organize critical features of Shopify with the future in mind.

Maybe you want to add in-store pickup, but your inventory isn't quite working as expected. Maybe your catalog has grown, but search and filtering is not as capable as you had expected. Maybe you've develop a back office system to help your warehouse be more efficient, and now you need to integrate order processing.

These are examples of situations we've encountered before, and these are examples where our experience as both Shopify developers and custom software developers really shines through.

We've spent countless hours consulting and discussing with clients about their business and logistical requirements, and then designing software solutions to achieve them.

So if you find yourself somehow painted into a corner with your Shopify site, or, you just know you want your new site built with the future in mind right from the start, contact Endertech.

Our Approach

Shopify Site Development Process

Proper Shopify development begins with planning and proceeds methodically through an agile process of design and development.

All great relationships begin with attentive listening, and that's how our relationship will begin as we invite you to share your current situation, your challenges, and your goals.

Your catalog is the heart of your site, and we will take the time to learn it intimately, so that we can help structure it wisely. This is a critical step that sets us up for success, so that your customers can find what they're looking for, and so that all backend systems work smoothly.

Of course a complete e-commerce system will include backend logistics that help ensure customers receive what they've ordered as quickly and efficiently as possible. Many times, the success of these systems is tied to how well your software system integrate.

Once we understand your goals, your catalog, and your logistical systems, we can design you a complete e-commerce system that includes your frontend, of course, and also your catalog's data structure plus any backend logistical systems or integrations, whether those involve configuring existing systems or developing custom software.

And with our blueprints in hand, we can build and deliver. Using an agile process that incrementally delivers progress you can see every two weeks, we will build your complete e-commerce solution piece by piece.

And of course, we're here for the long haul. We are no fly-by-night agency... with a 20+ year history, we've literally had clients for decades.